Hi, I’m Mike - Father of 3,
Founder of Be Hard to Hack,
Co-Founder of Two International Cyber Security Companies,
British Army Veteran, & now your
RE* Teacher & Cyber Bodyguard

*RE - Resilience Education

If Joe Wickes is the UK's PE teacher then I am the RE teacher*.

*Resilience Education that is, not Religious.

My mission, and that of Be Hard to Hack’s, is to help you, parents, schools, adult children of elderly parents and the vulnerable understand and build protection against cyber bullying, cyber threats and cyber criminals.

Be Hard to Hack is not a technology company, we are a human company. We are the glue that binds all the wonderful technology available together. You can have the best tools available, but they are useless if you don’t know how to use them and what good looks like.

At Be Hard to Hack we remove the guess work and help you integrate cyber resilience strategies and habits into your daily life that are simple to understand, sustainable and will strengthen you even as technology continues to evolve around you.