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Key Terms

Tech Terms

What is an Application (App)?

An app is a program on your phone, tablet, or computer that lets you do specific things like write emails, play games, or check the weather.

What is Software?

Software is the set of instructions that tells your computer or smartphone what to do, whether it's running apps or managing files.

What is an Online Service?

In tech terms, a service is something that your computer or apps can use over the internet to do tasks or get information, like streaming videos or checking the news.

What is a Device?

Any electronic tool like a smartphone, laptop, or smartwatch that you use to run apps, browse the internet, or send messages.

What is a Network?

A network is a bunch of computers, smartphones, and other devices that are connected together so they can share information and talk to each other, like in your home Wi-Fi setup.

What is Crypto?

Crypto, short for cryptocurrency, is a type of digital money that you can use to buy goods and services or trade for profit online. It operates independently of traditional banks and uses encryption for security.

What is SaaS?

SaaS stands for "Software as a Service." It's like renting software instead of buying it. Instead of installing programs on your computer, you access them over the internet. It's convenient because you don't have to worry about updates or storage space, but you need an internet connection to use it. It includes services like: Microsoft 365, Spotify, Netflix, Dropbox & Zoom

What is AutoRun?

AutoRun is like a hands-free feature for your computer or device. It automatically starts programs or files when you plug in a USB drive or insert a disc, without you needing to do anything. It's convenient for things like installing software or opening files, but it can also be a risk for spreading viruses if not used carefully.

What is Operating Software?

Operating software is like the conductor of an orchestra. It's the main program that manages all the other programs and lets your computer or phone do its job. Without it, your device wouldn't know how to run anything—it's the boss that keeps everything in line and working smoothly.

Windows: Microsoft Windows is a popular operating system used on many computers and laptops.

macOS: macOS is the operating system used on Apple Macintosh computers.

iOS: iOS is the operating system used on iPhones and iPads.

Android: Android is the operating system used on many smartphones and tablets, including those made by Samsung, Google, and others.

Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system used on a wide range of computers, from servers to personal computers.

Chrome OS: Chrome OS is the operating system used on Chromebooks, which are laptops that primarily run web-based applications.

What's the Difference: Software vs. Application?

Software: Think of software as the big picture - it's the entire collection of programs, instructions, and data that make your computer or phone work. It's like the whole toolbox you need to build or fix things.

Application: An application is like a specific tool from that toolbox - it's a single program or app that you use to do something specific, like write an email, play a game, or check the weather. It's like taking out just one tool to use for a particular task. So, while software is the whole toolbox, applications are the individual tools you use from it.

What is being Hacked?

"Hacked!" is like someone breaking into your digital house. It means someone unauthorised got into your computer, phone, or online account without permission. It's a serious problem because hackers might steal your personal information, mess with your files, or even cause damage to your device. It's important to take immediate action to protect yourself, like changing passwords and reporting the hack to the right authorities.

What is a Standard User Account?

A standard user account is like having a guest pass for your computer or laptop. It lets you use the device and most of its features, like browsing the internet, checking email, and running programs. But unlike an administrator account, you can't make big changes that might affect the device's security or settings. It's a safer option for everyday use, especially for kids or guests who don't need full control over the device.

What is an Administrator Account?

An administrator account is like being the boss of your computer or laptop. It gives you special powers to control everything, like installing new programs, changing settings, and managing users. It's important to have an administrator account so you can make important decisions about your device and keep it safe and secure.

What is a URL?

A URL is like the address of a website - it tells your computer or phone where to go on the internet. Just like you need a street address to find a house, your device needs a URL to find a webpage. It stands for Uniform Resource Locator, but you can think of it as the web address that you type into your browser or click on to visit a website.

What is an IP Address?

An IP address is like a digital phone number for your device. It's a unique set of numbers that identifies your computer, phone, or any other device connected to the internet. Just like you need a phone number to call someone, your device needs an IP address to communicate with other devices and access the internet.

Online Threats

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is when someone uses the internet, a phone, or other technology to harass, threaten, or embarrass another person. It's like regular bullying, but it happens online or through texts.

What is the DarkWeb?

The Dark Web is a hidden part of the internet that you can't access with regular browsers like Chrome or Safari. It requires special software to get there. People often use it for privacy, but it can also be a place where illegal activities happen, such as selling stolen data or counterfeit goods.

What is Malware?

Short for malicious software; any program intended to harm or exploit any programmable device, service, or network.

What is Only Fans?

OnlyFans is a website where creators can post content like videos, photos, or writings and fans can pay a subscription fee to access it. It's popular for a wide range of content, including exclusive, often adult-oriented material.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is like fishing for information online, but instead of using a fishing rod, scammers use emails, messages, or websites to trick people into giving away their personal or sensitive information, like passwords or credit card numbers. It's important to be cautious and not take the bait - always double-check before sharing any sensitive information online.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is like a digital kidnapper for your computer. It's a type of malicious software that locks up your files or even your entire computer and demands money (a "ransom") to unlock them. It's important to keep your antivirus software up to date and be cautious about clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files to avoid falling victim to ransomware.

What is Sadfishing?

Sadfishing is when someone posts about their personal problems or emotional distress online, often in a very exaggerated way, to get attention, sympathy, or even gifts from others. It's like crying for help on the internet to draw people in.

What is Spyware?

Spyware is like a digital spy that sneaks onto your computer or phone without you knowing. It secretly watches what you do online, tracks your keystrokes, and collects your personal information - like passwords or credit card numbers. It's important to protect your devices with antivirus software and be careful about what you download to avoid getting spied on by sneaky software.

What is a Suspicious Link?

A suspicious link is like a sketchy signpost on the internet road. It might lead you to a dangerous place, like a fake website or a trap set by scammers. These links often come in emails, messages, or pop-up ads, and they can trick you into giving away personal information or downloading harmful software. It's important to be cautious and avoid clicking on links from unknown or untrusted sources to stay safe online.

Online Safety for Children





Online Stuff Parents Need to Know

What is Roblox?

Roblox is an online platform where kids can play games created by other users or make their own games for others to play. It’s like a virtual playground where you can create, share, and enjoy countless adventures.

What is Discord & Why Should Parents Know About it?

Discord is like a digital clubhouse where kids and teens can chat, play games, and hang out with friends online. Parents should know about it because it's a popular platform for socializing and gaming, but it's important to understand how it works and what your children are doing on it. Being aware of Discord helps parents stay involved in their kids' online activities, address any concerns about safety or privacy, and ensure they're using it responsibly.

What are the Risks of Discord?

Discord can be a fun place for kids to hang out, but it's important for parents to be aware of potential risks. Just like in any online community, there's a chance of encountering strangers, inappropriate content, or cyberbullying. Parents should also be mindful of privacy concerns and make sure their children understand how to stay safe while using Discord, such as not sharing personal information with strangers and knowing how to block or report users if needed.

What is Minecraft & Why Should Parents Know About it?

Minecraft is like a digital playground where kids can build, explore, and create their own adventures. Parents should know about it because it's a hugely popular game among kids and teens, teaching them creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. Understanding Minecraft helps parents connect with their children's interests, monitor their online interactions, and ensure they're playing safely and responsibly.

What are the risks of Minecraft?

While Minecraft can be a fun and educational game, there are some potential risks that parents should be aware of. These include excessive screen time, exposure to inappropriate content or online interactions, and the risk of addiction. Additionally, some children may become so immersed in the game that they neglect other activities, such as homework or physical exercise. It's important for parents to monitor their children's Minecraft usage, set limits on screen time, and encourage a healthy balance of activities.

Be Hard to Hack Tools

What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

A VPN is like a secure tunnel for your internet activity. It hides your online actions and location, making it harder for others to see what you’re doing or where you’re browsing from. This can help keep your personal information safe from hackers, especially when using public Wi-Fi.

What is Antivirus / Anti-Malware Software?

Antivirus or anti-malware is like a guard for your computer or phone. It scans and checks for bad software—viruses or other harmful programs—that might try to cause damage or steal your information. It helps keep your device clean and your personal data safe.

What is HaveIBeenPwned (Have-I-Been-Pwned)?

HaveIBeenPwned is a website where you can check if your email address or passwords have been exposed in a data breach. Think of it like a security check-up to see if your online information has been compromised and is floating around on the DarkWeb.

What is Encryption?

Encryption is like a secret code that protects information on your devices or sent over the internet, making sure only the right people can read it.

What is a Firewall?

A firewall is like a security guard for your computer or home network. It blocks unwanted visitors—like hackers or viruses—from getting in and causing harm. It's a barrier that keeps your digital home safe from online threats.

What are Quad9 Servers

Quad9 servers are like security guards for your internet browsing. They help protect your family from going to dangerous websites that could harm your devices or steal your information. It's like having an extra layer of protection while you surf the web.

What is a Password Keeper?

A password keeper is like a digital safe for all your passwords. It helps you remember and store your passwords securely so you don't have to keep them all in your head or write them down on sticky notes. It's a handy tool for keeping your online accounts safe and organised.

What is an App Update?

An app update is like getting a little makeover for your favorite apps. It's when the people who make the app fix any problems, add new features, or make it work better. It's a good idea to update your apps regularly to keep them running smoothly and make sure you're getting the latest and greatest version.

What is a Software Update?

A software update is like giving your computer or phone a check-up and a boost all at once. It's a way to make sure your device is running smoothly and securely by fixing bugs, adding new features, and improving performance. It's important to keep your devices up to date to stay protected and get the most out of them.

What is an Application Audit?

An application audit is like a thorough check-up for the apps on your phone or computer. It looks at what apps you have, what they're doing, and whether they're safe to use. It helps you make sure you're only using apps that you need and that aren't putting your privacy or security at risk.

Why is an Application Audit Important?

An application audit is like checking your child's backpack before they go to school. It's important because it helps you make sure that the apps on your devices are safe and doing what they're supposed to do. Just like you want to make sure your child isn't carrying anything harmful or unnecessary to school, an application audit helps you identify any apps that might be risky or not needed, keeping your devices and your family safe online.

Why are Application Updates Important?

Application updates are like getting regular check-ups for your favourite apps. They're important because they help keep your apps running smoothly, fix any bugs or problems, and sometimes even add new features. Just like you take your car in for maintenance to keep it running well, updating your apps ensures they stay safe, reliable, and up-to-date with the latest improvements.

Why are Operating Software Updates Important?

Operating software updates are like regular tune-ups for your computer or phone. They're important because they help keep your device running smoothly, fix any issues or bugs, and improve security. Just like you need to update your car's software to ensure it runs safely and efficiently, updating your operating software ensures your computer or phone stays reliable, secure, and up-to-date with the latest improvements.

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